

born in South Korea

1980-1985 Master of Fine Art, Painting, Berlin University of Arts (Hochschule der Kuenste Berlin), Germany

1985 Meisterschülerin (Professor Bachmann)

1985-1987 Post-Graduate Program Art and Therapy, Berlin University of Arts (Hochschule der Kuenste Berlin), Germany

1991-1995 Art Therapist at the Rheumatism League, Berlin

lives and works in Berlin, Germany and in Busan, Korea

2012-2018 annual three-month stay under the program Residency at Youngdam Hanji Art Museum, Chungdo, South Korea

since 2019 Member of GEDOK (German and Austrian Female Artist Associations of all art genres) - Berlin, Germany

since 2022 Member of Korea Creation Arts Association

since 2022 Member of the Korean & Jongro Fine Art Association





(E) = solo exhibition, (G) = group exhibition, (P) = Participation

2024  Pre. International Oriental Art Fair,  Chohyung Gallery in Seoul (P), Korea

2023  Huh Seolheon Artist Exhibition in Kangneung Art Center (G), Korea

2023  Seoul International Hotel Art Fair (P), Lotte Hotel, Korea

2023  group exhibition at EKZ Werder (G), Germany

2023  solo exhibition "the endless story" (E) :  K19 Studios Berlin, Germany

2023   Seoul International Biennale (G), Korea Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2023  promotional award : 29th Great Masters Tokyo Exhibition (G), Gallery 2F, Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan, Japan

2023  1. group exhibition "Spuren" (G) at GEDOK Berlin, Germany

2023  23. Jongno Culture and History Exhibition (G) , Gallery LAMER

2022   Seoul International Hotel Art Fair(G), Seoul, Korea

2022   2.Group Exhibition(G)-90th Anniversary Year of GEDOK-Berlin, Germany

2022   received Excellence Award for Painting from the 54.International Public Collection Shin Nihon Bijutsuin(G), Tokyo, Japan

2022   received Silver Award, 28.Masters Tokyo Exhibition(G), Shin Nippon Art Institute, Tokyo, Japan

2022  Jongno culture and history exhibition(G), Gallery LAMER, Seoul, Korea

2022  Jongno Greese Donghaeng Exhibition(G), Gallery ALL, Seoul, Korea

2022  SehNsucht(G), GEDOK-Berlin, Germany

2021 Isolation versus Kommunikation, GEDOK Berlin, Germany (G)

2021 Sinnlich & Sinnvoll, K19, Berlin, Germany (G)

2021 Schwarz/Weiss Exchange Exhibition, GEDOK Berlin-GEDOK Freiburg, Germany (G)

2021 received Golden Award for Painting from the 53. International Competition Japan Shin Ninon Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan (G)

2021 FANTASIE als MEDIZIN, GEDOK Berlin, Germany (G)

2021 Seoul Biennale, Seoul, Korea

2020 received an International Artist Award from the International H.M.A. Exhibition, Seoul, Korea (G)

2020 The Wind, International Exchange Exhibition Kangneung-GEDOK Berlin, Kangneung Art Center, Korea (G)

2020 Die Endlose Geschichte, Gallery Mommsenstr. 35, Berlin, Germany (E)

2020 received a Special Artist Award from the Insadong Biennale, Seoul, Korea

2020  Incheon Biennale, Culture and Artcenter Incheon, Incheon, Korea

2019 Moderne.Modern.Berlin,  Kuenstlerhaus19, Berlin, Germany  (G)

2019 SKY WALK, International Artist Exchange, Kangneung-GEDOK-Berlin, Berlin, Germany (G)

2019 Neuaufnahmen 2019, GEDOK Berlin, Berlin, Germany (G)

2019 Das Leben ist schön, Reha-Steglitz, Berlin, Germany (G)

2018 coming and going between Berlin and ChungdoInsa Art Center, Seoul, Korea (E)  Link zum Performance-Video

2018 Künstlerhaus 19 Schlachtensee, Berlin, Germany (G)

2017 Invited Exhibition in Youngdam Hanji Art Museum, Chungdo, Korea (E)

2016 Kyungbuk State Supporting Project of the Resident Artist`s Exhibition in Youngdam Hanji Art Museum, Chungdo, Korea (G)

2016 Invited Exhibition in Hanji Art Museum, Chungdo, Korea (E)

2015 Gallery Mommsenstr. 35, Berlin, Germany (E)

2015 Gallery Mommsenstr. 35, Berlin, Germany (G)

2015 Künstlerhaus 19, Berlin, Germany (G)

2015 Invited Exhibition in Youngdam Hanji Art Museum, Chungdo, Korea (E)

2014 International Modern Artist's Painting on Hanji, KCDF, Seoul, Korea (G)

2014 International Hanji Exhibition Art Hall Ulsan, Ulsan, Korea (G)

2014 from Berlin to Chungdo the wheel of Life, Youngdam Hanji Art Museum, Chungdo, Korea (E)

2014 Künstlerhaus 19, Berlin, Germany (G)

2014 Invited Exhibition in Youngdam Hanji Art Museum, Chungdo, Korea (E)

2013 Korean and American Modern Artist's Hanji Exhibition, Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea (G)

2012 Unmoon Sentience, Kyungbuk State Supporting Project of the Resident Artist`s Exhibition in Youngdam Hanji Art Museum, Chungdo, Korea (G)

2012-2006 Künstlerhaus 19, Berlin, Germany (G)

2003 Great Steglitz Art Exhibition, University Hospital Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany (G)

2002 Great Steglitz Art Exhibition, University Hospital Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany (G)

1997 5 + 1, Gallery Tina Schwichtenberg, Berlin, Germany (G)

1984 Exhibition of students of the HdK, Kunstquartier Ackerstraße, Berlin, Germany (G)

1983 5 Koreaner in Berlin, Korea-Germany: on the Anniversary of 100 years of
           diplomatic relations, Organizer: Korean Association Berlin and Consulate
           General of the Republic of Korea, Galerie Rehbehn, Berlin, Germany (G)